3Com Corporation Installing Server Support for AutoLink 3Com's auto installation software, AutoLink, copies the NetWare DOS Requester software from the EtherDisk diskette to the system you are configuring for NetWare. You may have newer versions of this software from another source. A 3Install account on the server allows the Autolink program to download the NetWare client software from the server instead of the EtherDisk diskette. This feature can be used to install newer versions of the software or to customize your installation. The 3Install account can be customized to deliver installations specific to your environment. For example, you may have multiple protocols, unique configurations, special application software, or non-NetWare clients in your network environment. Your system administrator may edit the LOGIN SCRIPT for the 3Install account to copy specific software required during your client installation process. The files required on the server to support Autolink are listed at the end of this file. Your system administrator needs to copy the latest versions of the listed files and the NetWare client software to the server by following the steps below: 1. Create a user account with the name "3Install" and no password. The 3Install home directory should be SYS:\3INSTALL. 2. Edit the 3Install account's login script to be: map *1:=sys:\3Install drive *1: map display off exit "update" These commands map the 3Install account's home directory to a drive, change the default drive to that drive, turn off unneeded messages, and start the update script. The update script will automatically log out at the end. 3. Set the directory and file rights of the 3Install home directory so that 3Install has read and list permission only. 3Com recommends that the account maintaining the files have full access, that 3Install have read/list access, and that all others have no access. This will prevent users from modifying the files. 4. Use the batch file INSTALL.BAT on A:\QINSTALL\SERVER to copy the required files from the diskette. This batch file uses a utility that only copies newer files, so existing files will be replaced only if they are older. Invoke INSTALL.BAT from A:\QINSTALL\SERVER with the 3Install home directory as the command line parameter. For example, type: a: cd qinstall\server install f:\3install 5. Copy your latest versions of the NetWare client software, LSL.COM, IPXODI.COM, VLM.EXE, and *.VLM to the 3INSTALL\VLM directory on the server. The auto installation software will use these files if they are newer than the files on the diskette. Custom Client Installations --------------------------- Autolink can provide for custom installation of your own specific client configuration. To add your custom installation follow these steps: 1. Create yur custom configuration in a subdirectory within the 3Install subdirectory. 2. Create a batch file that copies the contents of your custom directory to C:\. 3. Edit the 3Install NetWare login script and execute the batch file from within the login script. Server File List for the 3C589 Adapter -------------------------------------- FILCPY.EXE A utility program that copies a file only if the target file is missing or older than the source file. FILEDT.EXE A utility program that edits text files under control of a script. FILFND.EXE A utility program that locates files. UPDATE.EXE A program started by the 3Install account's login script to locate and run each of the update procedures contained in the 3Install account. 3C589\UPDATE.EXE A program used to update the 3C589.COM driver on the client system. 3C589\3C589.COM The latest version of the 3C589.COM driver. NOTE: Other types of 3Com adapters may require their own files and will be documented on the diskette that accompanies that adapter. WARNING: When using the "3Install" server support with NetWare 4.X the -------- memory requirement for the client PC is 550 KB or more. Because the NetWare 4.X login.exe is very large and with part of AutoLink.exe still loaded, the workstation must have at least 550 KB. If there is not enough memory, you will not get an error message but AutoLink will not log into the 3Install account and the client files will be copied from the EtherDisk instead of the 3Install server. (%VER3C589 README.TXT - Server Support for Auto Installation V1.0b)